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Pictures from the 2012 Chasewater Transport Show

You know what the trouble with modern cars is? No vinyl bench front seats. Cram a beleaguered father in one end, and four kids, a small, yappy dog and a bag of sticky, aged pear drops and we're off to Rhyl. No messing. You just don't get that with a Ford Focus.

Well, the day came, and as I always do I pottered up to Chasewater to kick a few tyres, dream a few dreams and ponder over the cars of my youth. I love the Chasewater Transport Show, and as ever, Helen Borton and co. put on a wonderful event. There was the usual array or old, forgotten and beautiful motors, and utility vehicles ranging from the Green Goddess to an old Chase Coach. There were a huge variety of cars, motorbikes, trucks and even bicycles.

I drooled over some old Raleigh choppers, and remembered the rides as a kid in an old Zephyr, children wedged into the bench front seat. I marvelled at the immaculate restorations and loving care lavished on otherwise once mundane cars, now rendered classics. The south shore of Chasewater thronged with people. The weather was good, despite a cold wind, and Brownhills seemed to be having a good time.

I implore Helen to bring the show back to Chasewater next year, although I could understand why she might not do so, with the trouble she’s experienced this year. Today, the park was alive with people. I met good friends with every turn, watched folk exploring not just the show, but the whole place. The dam was open and busy, and people seemed to be really engaging with the surroundings.

A fine day. Loved every minute. Even though I spent most of the afternoon in a drain. More of that later…

I was so tempted to buy this as a project. Very tempted indeed...

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