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Signatures still required on pedestrian crossings for Shire Oak petition

I’m running this request again for signatures to the online petition for pedestrian crossings in Shire Oak, following the sad death of Jack Garrington. If you haven’t signed, please do. Shire Oak does need safe crossing points desperately, and if the petition exceeds 1,500 signatures, it will be debated at Council. We’re just a few short, currently.

I implore you all to sign this petition and help make a difference


Click on the screenshot to visit the petition site.

Since the tragic, awful death of 12 year old Jack Garrington on the Chester Road, Shire Oak last Thursday, 10th April 2014, many Brownhills folk and parents of kids attending Shire Oak from further afield have not only paid tribute to Jack, but also want to join together to improve road safety in the area.

The Facebook page that was set up on Saturday as a focus for those campaigning for better road crossings not just on Shire Oak where the accident occurred, but on Lindon Road, has gained several thousand supporters.

The page creators still recommend writing to Walsall Council, local Councillors, and our MP, Sir Richard Shepherd, but yesterday a online petition was also created to show the strength of feeling over this horrific accident.

You can sign the petition by clicking  here.

Local roads are getting busier and busier, and we really need to support pedestrians more – they are the most vulnerable group on our roads, particularly schoolkids. Let’s get together and push for better crossings.

Only by applying pressure can a change be effected.

Thanks to the page and petition creators, they have my full support and that of the Brownhills Blog. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know: BrownhillsBob at Googlemail do com.

Visit the ‘Pedestrian Crossings for Shire Oak’ campaign page by clicking here.

An incredibly moving image. Friend of Jack Garrington pay their respects to his memory. A remarkable image by Sarah Lou Harvey, posted on Twitter yesterday. Thanks to Sarah for her kind permission to use it here.

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