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When Chasewater became Monaco… and what of the Dolric?

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If I recall correctly, this was The Dolric cafe, now Brownhills Nursing Home. Image from Google Streetview.

I’ve had a great and fascinating email from Mark Morgon-Shaw, which I’m just going to throw out to readers. This is, I have to say, local history dynamite. Mark primarily writes about Brian Crighton, the motorbike engineering genius, but Mark mentions some stuff I forgot all about. The Dolric? Eddie Kidd at the stadium?

If Brian is reading this, we’d love to hear from you.

Any comments or thoughts? Comment here or BrownhillsBob at Googlemail dot com. Cheers. Thanks to Mark for a wonderful, thought-provoking contribution.

Mark wrote:

Hi Bob

Stumbled across your blog – some great memories

You asked if anyone knew what Brian, the guy with the Norton Bike  on the video is up to these days… last I heard he was still living in Burntwood and restoring bikes that had been fire damaged at the Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham.

My Dad used to own Walsall motorcycles in Caldmore Road in the mid-late 70s and is still friends with Brian who he got to know through the trade when we lived in Brownhills West from 71 to 85. The other main thing I remember about Silver Court was going to the dentist!

My Dad closed his shop whilst it was still making money and ended up eventually working at Norton in Shenstone. Brian soldiered on but when his business went bust my Dad recommended him for a job at Norton and the rest is history.

They still get in touch every once in a while or sometimes go to a bike show together.

I have some fond memories of Brownhills:

Going to the Arcade at Chasewater to play on the space invaders – playing tug of war vs a Steam Roller at the Chasewater Rally (imagine the risk assessment now!)

Seeing Eddie Kidd’s stunt show at the track nearby – also saw them film some speedboat shots for the movie ‘Condorman’ on Chasewater which doubled for Monaco!

Watching them build Hillards.

One of sisters classmates being killed by lightening on the field at Brownhills Comprehensive.

Doing cross country down by the canal or down the black path and up The Parade.

2p bus rides to anywhere.

Range Records.

Currys in the precinct.

Watching the guy in Market on Saturday with the mic to catch the free stuff he threw into the crowd.

Tandy on the corner in the High Street.

The Dolric Cafe in Brownhills West with it’s pool tables and tabletop arcade machines (old folks home now).

Anyway – nice to read your blog, hope the info about Brian was useful… might be a little out of date but that was last I heard.


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